Tapas For Takeout? 4 Great Choices


If you're going to order Spanish food takeout, then you'd do well to order tapas. These nibbling foods are meant to be shared among the group, often alongside plenty of red wine, or vino tinto as it is known in Spain. But not every tapa holds up well to the challenges of takeout. Fried foods like croquetas, for instance, will get soggy in a takeout container. Here are a few tapas that do well as takeout.

17 November 2020

4 Benefits Of Hiring A Personal Chef


If you feel like you don't have enough time to make meals at home and you're sick of eating out or getting fast food all the time, it may be a good idea to invest in a personal chef. They can create delicious meals for you as often as you need it. Having a personal chef can change your life in many ways. Whether you're solo, a couple, or have a whole family, a personal chef is ready to create meals that wow.

29 June 2020

Try One Of These Varieties Of Italian Focaccia Bread


One of the best things about going to an Italian bakery to buy a loaf of bread is that you've got a wide range of breads to consider. There are many different styles of Italian bread that will likely appeal to you and your family — especially those that you can enjoy in a variety of ways. One popular type of Italian bread is focaccia — a flat bread that is often sold in large slabs.

3 February 2020